October 2023 Product Release Notes

October was full of GREAT improvements to DriverReach! Let's get into it:


First and foremost: The DQ File Checklist is LIVE! Read our press release and make sure to check out the dedicated DQ Checklist Knowledge Base section. 

Enhancement to Clearinghouse Query Date Display for Clarity

We've made a significant improvement to your Onboarding & Orientation page. Previously, the Annual Clearinghouse Query Expiration Date field would display the current date by default, which caused some confusion. It appeared as if DriverReach was automatically setting and changing the date daily. However, we have addressed this issue in our latest update. From now on, the Annual Clearinghouse Query Expiration Date field will only display a date if you have set one. If you haven't set a date, the field will remain empty. This change will eliminate any unnecessary confusion and ensure clarity in your experience. We value your input and feedback, and this update is a direct response to make your user experience smoother. We hope you find this improvement valuable.

Expanded Capabilities for Lead API and Zapier Integration

Non-DOT Leads: Our Lead API has been enhanced to accept Non-DOT leads. This means you can now seamlessly integrate and work with leads that don't fall under DOT regulations, providing more flexibility and coverage for your lead management needs.

Custom Questions: You can now utilize custom questions within our Lead API. This empowers you to gather specific information tailored to your business requirements, creating a more personalized and efficient lead management process.

Updated DriverReach Zapier App: To align with these changes, we've also updated our DriverReach Zapier app. It is now fully compatible with these new features, allowing you to automate and streamline your workflows even further.

Streamlined Legal Requirement Certification Across All Background Check Providers

A few months ago, we added a new legal requirement certification to the HireRight ordering process (see July’s Release Notes for more info!). We’ve now added the same checkbox to all other background check providers.

For Asurint, Foley, and any generalized background check provider (WorkforceQA, AccusourceHR—coming soon), this checkbox will appear when you select a package. Users must click this required checkbox stating they have read and complied with the linked requirements before they are able to proceed with their order.

For PSP Direct and Driver iQ, the checkbox will appear in the existing dialog box after you select a package and click the Order button.


Your VOE+ Emails got a facelift! 

Additionally, we’ve made some minor language updates to facilitate a more consistent user experience. Looks nice, right? 


We hope you find these enhancements a welcome addition to your DriverReach experience!