Using the Applicants and Personnel Table

Learn more about the applicants and personnel table, what it is comprised of, how to customize your views, and how to quickly get to the information needed for your workflow.

The applicants page is composed of six major areas: at the top is the menu of Saved Views and directly below that is the Table Summary which contains the Search Field and Table Interactions. Below the summary is the Table Results which contains a list of records returned by the table query.

The sixth and final component of the table is the Workspace. The Workspace is a collapsible area for managing the table columns, filters, and saved views:


Table Management

Applicant management is the activity of interacting with employment applications within the Driver Reach platform. The process used by the customer is to work with an application’s viability in order to proceed to employment or to exclude it from employment.

The table provides several features for displaying and interacting with the collection of applications:

  • Column Management

  • Result Filtering

  • Pagination

    • Jumping to a Page

    • Next Page / Previous Page

    • Changing Visible Rows (10, 25, 50, 100)

  • Result Searching

  • Result Sorting

 Column Management

The table has default columns which are presented to the user upon visiting the page for the first time. The user may customize which columns are visible at any given time to garner insightful information regarding applications.


Filtering Applicants

The table has numerous filtering options which can be used to build a population of applicants which meet process or employment criteria and require interaction. A filter is composed of three parts: a type, an operator, and a value.

 Filters GIF

Available Filters

There are four ways to filter the table results: date, text, options, and radius filters.

Date Filter - filters the results according to dates selected by the user for fields such as expiration dates and process dates:

Text Filter - filters the results according to arbitrary text input for fields such as addresses and names:

Options Filter - filters the results according to selected values by the user for fields such as lead source, location, assigned user, or applicant stage:

Radius Filter - filters the results according to a specified Zip Code and Mile Range

Session Settings

The table has session settings which allows a user to implicitly save their current table settings to the platform regardless of their browser privacy settings. This means that user may refresh the page, navigate away from the table, close their tab and reopen it, or open a new tab and see that the settings for their table configured are still available and have not been lost.

In fact - the user can leave work and drive home, sit down at their home computer, log into Driver Reach, and their applicant’s table will be identical to the table they had set up at work.


Bulk Actions

The table has bulk actions that may be applied to a group of selected rows. The user may initiate selecting rows through three actions:

“All Rows” - Table Header

“All Rows” - “Bulk Actions” Button

Individual from Table Row


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Once a selection has been made the Bulk Actions Button will change to allow the user select the 

bulk action. This change is accompanied with an animation:


Saved Views

The table has a feature to the platform tables called Saved Views. A saved view is a named collection of settings which include: columns, filters, sorting, searching, and pagination size. This means that essentially every facet of a table can be stored within a Saved View.

Saved Views GIF