Terminate a driver in DriverReach

Learn how to properly note a termination of a driver in the DriverReach platform

Let's talk about the importance of properly terminating drivers in DriverReach and how to do it like a pro. With just a few clicks, you can mark a driver as terminated, verify key details, and add helpful notes. This ensures everything runs smoothly internally and makes the Verification of Employment (VOE) process a breeze. Plus, when drivers reapply in the future, you'll have clear records and notes handy. So let's get those terminations done right in DriverReach for hassle-free operations and a stellar VOE experience.

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1. Open the driver's profile 

2. Click on Terminate on the Driver's Profile

Click on Terminate on the Driver's Profile

3. Select the appropriate eligibility for rehire for this driver

Select the appropriate eligibility for rehire for this driver

4. Type appropriate notes for termination (optional)

Type appropriate notes for termination (optional)

5. Click on Save

Click on Save

6. If the employee drove a commercial motor vehicle for you company, select "true"

Select "true"

7. Select the appropriate vehicle type operated

Select the appropriate vehicle type operated
8. Click the appropriate field —Yes or No— for any accidents recorded
Click appropriate field Yes or No for any accidents recorded

9. Click on the appropriate reason for leaving (optional)

Click on the appropriate reason for leaving (optional)

10. Select appropriate performance (optional)

Select appropriate performance (optional)

11. Click on the appropriate performance rating

Click on Satisfactory
12. Type in your title 
Type Your title
12. Make sure to Check * I have read and accept these obligations given under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Check * I have read and accept these obligations given under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
14. Click Save. Done! 
Click on Save
Watch the video below to learn more about terminating a driver in DriverReach: