Setting an Orientation Date

This article explains how to set an orientation date for an individual who has made it through the initial hiring process.

Step 1

There are several ways to access the individual for whom you would like to set an orientation date.  From any screen, enter some or all of the individual’s name in the global search area after clicking on the magnifying glass icon located on the right side of the top blue menu bar. Alternatively, from the “Applicants & Personnel” page, you may employ any filters you would like to use for your search and then type some or all of the individual’s name into the “Search applicants” box on the right above the applicant table. 

Step 2

Click on the name of the individual for whom you would like to set an orientation date. 

Step 3

Within the individual’s record, locate the “Workflow” section in the upper left-hand corner of the window. There, click on the “Onboarding & Orientation” heading. 

Step 4

Below the "Workflow" tab, orientation and onboarding data about that individual will populate.

Step 5

Click on the calendar icon next to the "Orientation Date" heading to choose a date for this individual’s orientation.

Step 6

Click on the blue “Save” button once you confirm that the correct orientation date is displayed.


Step 7

For a short time, a green “Orientation date successfully updated!” notification will pop-up briefly in the upper right-hand corner of the window to confirm that you have successfully saved this change.

Step 8

For future reference, the search function under the "Applicants & Personnel" tab allows users to select "Orientation Scheduled" as one of many filters that can help locate an individual's record.