Sending an Employment Verification
This article explains how to send employment verification requests through the DriverReach platform and how to add a company's email or fax number manually if it isn't already saved within the DriverReach system.
Starting on the dashboard, select the "Applicants & Personnel" tab in the main navigation bar.
- Click on the appropriate individual's name to access his or her record.
- In the "Workflow" section on the right side of the screen, click on the "Verifications" link. The details of all past verification attempts will populate underneath the workflow table.
- On the right side of the row for the employer you need to contact, click the "Actions" drop-down menu.
- Select “Send Verification Request” from the drop-down menu.
- If there is an email or fax number already present for the employer, simply click the blue “Send Now” button at the bottom of the page to send a request immediately.
- If there is no fax number or email address information listed in the employer's record, you can locate that information by calling the company directly to ask or visiting that company's website to view contact information.
- Once you have located the contact information to verify employment with the company, enter either the email address or the fax number, check the box next to the option you which to use, and click the blue “Send Now” button.
- This and all previous attempts at employment verification are automatically tracked for this individual under the "Verifications" link within his or her record.