May 2023 Product Release Notes

We're excited to share some of the latest updates and improvements that have been made to the platform during May 2023.🎉

Our team has been hard at work addressing user feedback and enhancing various features to provide you with a better experience. Here's a summary of the key changes:

Improved Consent Form for Limited Queries :

We updated the PDF version of the Consent for Limited Queries form to include important information such as the applicant's CDL, CDL state, and date of birth. As a result, the applicant's SSN has been removed from the form. This change ensures that the displayed CDL information aligns with the query requirements, providing you with more accurate data.



Enhancements to UniversalApp:

Based on user feedback, we updated the employment history page of our UniversalApp to reduce confusion and streamline the process of entering previous employment info. The Submit button has been renamed to Save for clarity, and we've improved the styling to make it more evident that saving an individual work history entry is necessary before adding another or moving to the next step of the application.


Streamlined Application Changes:

We improved our system intelligence around data merges when an applicant makes changes to his/her primary account application and recruiters have similar changes that are pending applicant approval. This reduces the frequency of needing to send changes to applicants for approval via the paper airplane.


Enhanced Background Check Documents:

We upgraded the tech stack underlying various data tables relating to Documents, DQ File Compliance, and Background Checks, improving speed and reliability.


Re-sending VOE Requests and Improved Verification Workflow:

We have introduced a new option under the Actions menu that allows you to re-send Verification of Employment (VOE) requests that were incorrectly responded to by previous employers. This new feature lets you add comments to provide more context around the need for a correction or clarification. The re-sent request, along with the comments, will be delivered to the previous employer, facilitating clear communication and improved verification workflows.



Enhanced Display of Expiration Emails:

We reduced email duplication and clutter in Applicants’ Activity Timelines by displaying all CC’d users on a single timeline entry.


These are just some of the notable updates we've made to the DriverReach platform recently. We're continuously working to improve our platform and provide you with a seamless experience. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future!


Thank you for choosing DriverReach!