How to Use: Pipeline Velocity Report

The Pipeline Velocity Report tracks how long applicants stay in each recruiting stage, helping you spot bottlenecks and speed up hiring. Use filters to analyze by recruiter, lead source, or location, and drill down for detailed insights.

The Pipeline Velocity Report provides an in-depth look at how applicants are moving through your recruiting pipeline. It helps you identify bottlenecks, discover slowdowns, and optimize your overall hiring process by visualizing how long applicants spend in each stage of the pipeline. By using this report, you’ll gain insights into which stages are causing delays and how to speed up your recruitment efforts.

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How to use this report 
Drilling down into your data
Optimizing your workflow

Key Features of the Pipeline Velocity Report

  1. Stage Breakdown
    The report shows each stage of your recruiting pipeline, giving you a detailed view of how long applicants are spending in each stage. The stages visible in the report are based on:
    • The active prospect stages selected in the filter options.
    • The stages that have data within the selected cycle close date range.

  1. Average Time in Stage
    A colored horizontal bar graph displays the average time applicants spend in each stage. The longest average time fills the entire bar, and shorter stages are represented proportionally. Each bar is labeled with the actual time data, so you can easily see the precise length of time (e.g., “4.7 days” or “2.1 hours”) that applicants are stuck at a given stage.

  2. Cycle Count

    This column displays the number of recruiting cycles included in the average time calculation for each stage. It helps give context to the data and indicates how many cycles are impacting the average time values.

A Recruiting Cycle starts when an applicant moves to an Active Prospect stage. It ends when they are moved to Hired, No Current Interest, Disqualified, or Terminated.

3. Filters Available

To give you control over which data you’re viewing, the Pipeline Velocity Report includes several filter options:

  • Stages: Filter by active prospect stage levels (all are selected by default).
  • Cycle Close Date Range: Select the date range for closed recruiting cycles (similar to the Recruiting Behaviors Report).
  • Assigned User: Use this filter to see this view by recruiter or team member. This is helpful to see what parts of the process are roadblocks for specific teammates. 
  • Lead Source: This filter includes all leads from a given lead source, even if they have been reassigned, to show long-term trends and potential bottlenecks related to different lead sources.

  • Location: Narrow down your pipeline data to specific hiring locations.
  • Close Events: Filter by reason for closing out an applicant’s cycle. This can include “Disqualified,” “No Current Interest,” “Terminated,” or “Hired.” 

Drill-Down Functionality

Clicking on any stage row in the report allows you to drill down further into the individual recruiting cycles. In this view, you’ll see:

  • Applicant Name: The name of the applicant(s) in the selected cycle.
  • Recruiting Cycle Details: Additional recruiting cycle information (similar to the Recruiting Behaviors Report).
  • Stage Time Visualization: A stacked bar chart showing the complete journey of each applicant, detailing how long they spent in each stage of the recruiting cycle.

This view makes it easy to spot trends and outliers in individual recruiting cycles and provides the detailed insights needed to optimize specific parts of the hiring process.


How to Use the Pipeline Velocity Report

  1. Identify Bottlenecks
    The colored horizontal bars and average time labels make it easy to see where applicants are getting stuck. Look for stages with longer bars and higher time values to pinpoint potential slowdowns in your pipeline.
  2. Analyze by Lead Source
    Use the Lead Source filter to analyze how different sources impact pipeline speed. This can help you optimize where to focus your recruitment marketing efforts or streamline how leads from certain sources are processed.
  3. Optimize Team Performance
    Apply the Assigned User filter to understand which recruiters or team members are responsible for slower-moving applicants, or might need more resources to get applicants processed faster. This insight helps ensure that team resources are allocated efficiently.
  4. Drill Down into Specific Applicant Journeys
    Use the drill-down feature to get a closer look at the specific applicants in each cycle. By reviewing individual journeys, you can identify common patterns or isolated issues that may be affecting your overall pipeline velocity.
  5. Compare Across Locations
    Filtering by Location allows you to compare performance across different hiring locations. This can help you uncover regional bottlenecks or other location-specific factors that may be impacting your recruitment process.

Visualization Insights

The Pipeline Velocity Report uses data visualization to highlight bottlenecks in your recruiting process. The colored bars and stacked bar charts make it easy to process complex data at a glance, allowing you to quickly spot areas of concern without digging into raw numbers.

Additionally, the report’s breakdown of disqualified and no-current-interest applicants provides a deeper understanding of why applicants didn’t proceed through the pipeline, helping to improve future recruiting strategies.

Tip: Can’t remember what a specific measurement means? Click on a tooltip for a refresher! 


Next Steps: Optimizing Your Pipeline

Once you’ve identified the stages where applicants are spending too much time, you can begin to take action to improve your hiring speed. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Reduce Stage Times: Collaborate with your team to streamline tasks in bottleneck stages. For example, if manager approvals are causing delays, consider automating part of the process or adjusting responsibilities.
  • Target Stalled Applicants: Use the upcoming Pipeline Cleanout Report to find applicants who are stuck in the pipeline for extended periods and take action to move them forward.
  • Monitor Lead Sources: Optimize your recruitment marketing by focusing on lead sources that produce faster results, and reevaluate those that consistently lead to slower applicant movement.