This guide explains how to format your terminated driver records using the DriverReach VOE+ Import Template, so our team can process the file for you to earn revenue share.
DriverReach makes it easy to keep termination records organized and accessible through VOE+. With seamless integration into the platform, you can retrieve records for pre-employment verification from other companies while hiring new drivers. Plus, every record you submit qualifies for VOE+ revenue share, turning your records into an additional revenue stream. For new customers interested in revenue share, we’ll assist you in importing previous records for a quick start. Follow the instructions below to correctly format these records for faster uploads and quicker turnaround, allowing you to start earning and efficiently handling VOE requests from your database!
Instructions for Formatting the DriverReach VOE+ Import Template
Step 1: Download the Template
- Download the DriverReach VOE+ Import Template (this will save to your downloads folder on your device)
Step 2: Prepare the Data in the Template
- Navigate to the Driver History Data tab, where you’ll see columns for data entry.
Note: Columns highlighted in YELLOW are required fields and must be filled out for a successful import.
- Refer to the Instructions tab for accepted data formats and descriptions for each field. Only use accepted inputs to avoid import errors.
- You can use the other tabs along the bottom to see acceptable options for Suffixes, Type of driver, Trailer length, Miles per week, type of vehicle, reason for leaving, state, and rehire eligibility.
Step 3: Exporting Data from Another System (Optional)
- If your data currently resides in an HRIS or other system, you can export it into a CSV file. Then, copy and paste the relevant data into the DriverReach VOE+ Import Template.
- Important: If you are using Tenstreet as your data source, exporting is unnecessary. Our team handles Tenstreet imports separately to ensure data accuracy and compatibility with DriverReach.
Step 4: Finalize the CSV File
- After populating the DriverReach VOE+ Import Template, delete unnecessary columns and rows as specified:
- Delete Column A (if present).
- Delete the first two rows in the Driver History Data tab.
- Save your file as a CSV: File > Download > Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Step 5: Submit Your File
- Email the prepared CSV file to your Customer Service Representative or to
- Our team will review and import the file into your DriverReach account.
- We’ll contact you if any adjustments are needed.