DriverReach Product Empowerment Series: Changing the Recruiting and Compliance Game with VOE+

The DriverReach Product Empowerment Series brings users together for an educational session, where experts help you to take full advantage of the features you already have – as well as those you haven’t yet begun to use.

This month, join us as we dive into all of the benefits of VOE+! Jeremy Reymer, Founder and CEO, will be joined by the one and only Brad Hackett, Director of Operations, VOE+, where they'll cover: 

  • 💼 How to reduce the burden of constantly responding to previous employment requests
  • 📈 The best ways to leverage the database and increase speed to hire 
  • 🚚 What you can do to improve the overall hiring experience for your drivers
  • 🥳 A VOE+ special announcement