How to share a saved view

This guide will show you how to share a saved view with other users in the DriverReach Platform. Sharing a saved view creates a copy of your view that others can access and use in their own workflow.

Sharing a saved view is a great way to ensure teams are working in the same way and creates consistency with recruiting drivers. It saves time for your team by allowing them to use your custom workflow without having to set it up themselves, provides standardized views of applicant data, and improves collaboration by allowing team members to easily share insights.

Who can Share Saved Views?

All DriverReach users can share saved views.

Who can Edit or Delete Shared Saved Views?

  • Owner: The user who created the shared view can always edit or delete it.
  • Admin Users: Admin users can edit or delete any shared view, regardless of who owns it.

Steps to Share a Saved View:

  1. Navigate to your Saved Views in the Applicants and Personnel table.

  2. Locate the view you want to share and open the menu using the three dots on the right hand side of the view name.


3. Select “Share this view” 


4. From here, you can select the users you’d like to share this view with. Click on the arrow on the right to select from a list of your teammates. When you’ve selected all users with whom you’d like to share, collapse the menu by using the arrow on the right.

5. Click on "share" to send the view to the users you've selected

Your teammates will receive a notification in their account that you’ve shared a view with them, and have immediate access to your setup. 🎉

Important Notes:

  • When you update a shared view, the changes will be reflected for all users who have access to the view.
  • Admin users can update the owner of a shared view.
  • Non-admin users cannot see the owner of a shared view unless they are the owner themselves.